Flamingo Way A service provided by Manita Srl


Manita Sicily is a travel agency specialised in establishing new ways of travelling and integrating extraordinary tours.

We've visited different salt pans around the world while enjoying different types of customised transport.

We have decided to offer this FLAMINGO WAY service to all those who wish to experience a thrilling adventure in a short period of time.

For many years now Manita Sicily has been a point of reference for thousands of passengers who arrive in our beloved Sicily. We've been offering any type of travelling around the cities, the countryside and throughout the entire region. Our main purpose is to comfortable, fast and affordable tours and excursions services.

We have decided to emphasise this environment because we are nature-lovers. We love this little paradise and we are committed in protecting it.

Our main goal is to operate intelligent tours by informing in advance all our guests about the environment protection and enforcement. Accordingly, we want to promote a sustainable fruition of the area and our qualified drivers will all be committed in respecting it.

Rely on us An expert tour guide will take you to discover the salt pans

What are you waiting for? Book now